A massasauga rattlesnake, gently caught with ‘snake tongs’ is placed in a holding pail May 10, 2018, at the Camp Grayling Joint Maneuver Training Center in Grayling, Michigan. Members of the Michigan National Guard Environmental Division, National Guard Bureau Installations and Environment Directorate, Michigan Department of Natural Resources and volunteers from local, state and national conservation groups combed many of the 147,000 acres of Camp Grayling May 9-11, 2018 during the first large-scale massasauga population estimate project whereby snakes were tagged for monitoring and to provide data for future population studies. The massasauga is the only poisonous snake native to Michigan. It is the smallest and most timid of the rattlesnake species, and it was listed as a threatened species in 2016 under the Endangered Species Act. (Michigan National Guard photo by Jonathan Edgerly)