Office of Equal Employment Opportunity

Equal Opportunity


The Michigan National Guard (MING) will provide Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) for civilians in technician status (Title 5 and Title 32) and Equal Opportunity (EO) for Soldiers and Airmen in military status. Our mission is to ensure applicants for membership in the MING will not be subject to illegal discrimination. All MING personnel are entitled to serve in an environment free from discrimination and sexual harassment.

Our Mission

Who We Are

MING provides equal employment opportunity in Federal employment regardless of race, color, gender, national origin, religion, age, disability, and sexual orientation. 

Our Goals
The changing face of Michigan and the Nation demands that we change as a military employer. As the demographic make-up of the population continues to evolve, it is imperative that the Michigan National Guard focus its efforts on emerging talent to ensure that we successfully attract, recruit, develop and retain a highly-skilled Total Force capable of meeting current and future mission requirements.

Allegations of discrimination and sexual harassment will be given prompt attention and resolved as expeditiously as possible. Equal opportunity in employment means opportunity not just for some but for all. Please see our Equal Employment Opportunity documents for more information. The State Equal Employment manager can be reached at (517) 599-0924.

National Guard Discrimination Complaint Form (NGB 333)

Sexual Harassment Policy

Hazing and Bullying Policy

EEO (Federal Government Regulatory Guidance)

Our Mission

The Michigan National Guard (MING) will provide Equal Opportunity (EO) for Soldiers, Airmen and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Civilians in technician status (T5 & T32).

No Fear Act  – Report FY2019

Equal Employment Opportunity Information

State EEO Policy

Reasonable Accommodation and Personal Assistance Services Policy – Awaiting approval

Reasonable Accommodation and Personal Assistance Services SOP – Awaiting update

Breastfeeding & Lactation Policy

Social Media

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MING EO/EEO Team Contacts:

State Equal Employment Manager:

Mr. Derek Smith

Office ☎ (517) 481-7725

Mobile ☎ (517) 599-0924


Equal Opportunity Specialist

Mr. Jared McCreery

Office ☎ (517) 481-7726

Mobile ☎ (517) 940-2522

Ms. Jessica Tarrant

Office ☎ (517) 481-7726

Mobile ☎ (517) 348-4708

Wing (Air) Military Equal Opportunity Officers (MEOs):

127th Wing
Capt. Valerie S. Ward
☎ (586) 239-4340