HRO Resources


Army Career and Alumni Program (ACAP)

ACAP is a program that provides transition and job assistance services. Michigan has a Forward Support Transition Team consisting of two ACAP counselors and one financial adviser. They are responsible for serving military members of several states but are stationed at Joint Forces Headquarters in Lansing.

They offer services to both Soldiers and Airmen of the Michigan National Guard. The ACAP counselors are able to help build resumes and work on interviewing skills improvement. To receive employment assistance or financial counseling email or call (517) 481-9865.

Michigan Works!

Michigan Works! is on the front lines meeting the talent demands of local employers, and ready to respond to the unique needs of each community. The System is made-up of 25 regional Michigan Works! Agencies, focusing on the needs of job makers and developing talent for the 21st Century economy.

Find a One-Stop Service Center in your community or call 1-800-285-WORKS (9675).

Learn about their services specifically for veterans here.

Department of Labor Workshop

As a requirement of the Veterans Opportunity to Work Act of 2011, some members of the National Guard who are separating from Title 10 duty are required to complete a Department of Labor workshop. Learn more about the Veterans Opportunity to Work Act.

Under the Veterans Opportunity to Work Act, Department of Labor workshop attendance is mandatory for those who are unemployed and not attending school near the time of separation. Service members are welcome to voluntarily complete this training and it is best for Soldiers to attend a workshop in-person. However, if a service member is unable to physically attend, they can complete the requirement online. There are two online options.

  1. The ACAP Virtual Center is an immersive, three-dimensional, online environment where Soldiers can receive all the transition and education services that they would normally receive at a bricks-and-mortar ACAP Center.
  2. Joint Knowledge Online Learning Content Management System. Register for the TGPS-US004 DOL Employment Workshop.

*When finished with an online DOL workshop, certificates of completion must be emailed to us.

Hiring Fairs

Hiring Our Heroes, a program of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, was launched in March 2011 as a nationwide initiative to help veterans, transitioning service members, and military spouses find meaningful employment opportunities. HOH hiring fairs are open to all active duty, Guard and reserve service members, veterans, and/or spouses of any of these groups. It is highly recommended that all jobseekers pre-register online for any HOH hiring fair they wish to attend. Find and register for HOH hiring fairs.

Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR)

ESGR, a Department of Defense office, was established in 1972 to promote cooperation and understanding between reserve component service members and their civilian employers and to assist in the resolution of conflicts arising from an employee’s military commitment.

ESGR facilitates and promotes a cooperative culture of employer support for National Guard and Reserve service by developing and advocating mutually beneficial initiatives; recognizing outstanding employer support; increasing awareness of applicable laws and policies; resolving potential conflicts between employers and their service members; and acting as the employers’ principal advocate within DoD.

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The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA)

USERRA is a federal law that establishes rights and responsibilities for uniformed service members and their civilian employers. ESGR informs and educates service members and their civilian employers regarding their rights and responsibilities governed by USERRA. ESGR does not enforce USERRA, but serves as a neutral, free resource for employers and service members.

ESGR’s Customer Service Center is available to answer a USERRA question or to refer cases to a trained Ombudsman. Contact the customer service center via email or phone Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (EST) at 1-800-336-4590.

Are you a Michigan National Guard member looking for a career?

The Michigan National Guard Civilian Employment Office works with employers all over the state who want to employ Michigan Army and Air National Guard members. Additionally, we help Guard members increase their employment readiness and build civilian careers. Please take advantage of the resources below and email us if you have questions.

Below is additional guidance for employers and service members.


If you are interested in hiring Guard members, please post your employment opportunities online on Hero2Hired (H2H) and Pure Michigan Talent Connect.

You can also find and register for hiring fairs hosted by Hiring Our Heroes, which is a program of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation.

To learn more about receiving a Work Opportunity Tax Credit for hiring eligible veterans, please read information here.

Guard Members

If you are seeking employment, please create accounts on the Hero2Hired (H2H) at and Pure Michigan Talent Connect. Additionally, you can find and register for Hiring Our Heroes hiring fairs.

Also, visit the Michigan Works! website to take advantage of the many employment services offered at your local Michigan Works! Service Center. Be automatically routed to the nearest Michigan Works! Service Center by calling 1-800-285-WORKS (9675).

You can also receive assistance with building and refining resumes by contacting an Army Career and Alumni Program (ACAP) counselor. Request resume assistance from the ACAP team in Lansing via email or phone at (517) 481-9865.

For those with questions or issues related to the Uniformed Services Employment Reemployment Rights Act, email the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, call them toll-free at 1-800-336-4590 or complete an online form.


Michigan National Guard Civilian Employment Program
(517) 481- 7895

Airmen and Family Readiness Program Manager
John D. Harvey
(586) 239-5583

Resume Help
Lansing ACAP team
(517) 481-9865

Employment Rights
Gary Aten
ESGR Program Support Technician
(517) 481-7909

H2H Help
Melvin Bauman
Employment Transition Coordinator
(616) 735-4050 x 110

Transition Help (especially medical matters)
Raymond Ladd
Transition Assistance Advisor
(517) 990-1111