Inspector General

Our Mission

To provide the Adjutant General a continuing assessment of the matters relating to the state of economy, efficiency, morale, esprit de corps and readiness of units and activities assigned to the Michigan National Guard.

Inspector General Briefing


Who We Are
  • The Inspector General (IG) functions as an extension of The Adjutant General’s eyes, ears, voice and conscience.
  • We are neutral, unbiased fact finders who execute our duties based on four IG functions: teach and train; assistance; inspections and inquiries/investigations.
  • We provide advice on matters concerning the well-being and readiness of Service members, civilian employees and family members.
Our Goals
  • Keep the TAG, staff and unit leadership fully apprised of significant issues & concerns affecting the Michigan National Guard, especially those issues & concerns pertaining to unit readiness and the care & welfare of Soldiers, civilians, and family members.
  • Work with the commands, units and other agencies, as appropriate, to help resolve concerns brought to the IG’s attention as IG Action Requests (IGARs) or IG Personal and Fraud Waste and Abuse Complaint Registration.. Through this partnership, we want to make the Command the “Hero” and help them to get there.
  • When noncompliance with requisite standards is found, help commanders identify the “root cause[s]” of such noncompliance and work to fix the issue.

It is important to understand the IG and Commander relationship:

  • The IG works for the commander (Command IG for the TAG, Division IG for the Division Commander, Installation IG for the Wing Commander, etc…)
  • The IG must be a “problem solver”; however they cannot “fix” things by themselves. IGs must work by, through, & with commanders, staff sections, the NCO support channel & civilian leadership.
  • IGs can recommend courses of action, but cannot “direct” any course of action.
  • The IG will do everything possible to keep confidentiality when handling complaints; however it may be unavoidable to disclose some information to properly handle the case. In such instances we will try to contact the complainant prior to disclosure.


IG Checklist
  • We have provided the following checklist to help you determine if you have an IG appropriate complaint:
  • Be sure you have a problem, not just a peeve. Are the cooks turning out lousy chow or was it just one bad meal?
  • Give your chain of command a chance to solve the problem. Many problems must be addressed to the chain of command for resolution anyway.
  • Be honest and don’t provide misleading information. IGs will discover the truth quickly in most cases and there are penalties for knowingly providing false information.
  • Keep in mind that IGs are not policy makers. If a policy is flawed you can submit proposed change on a DA form 2028.
  • Keep in mind that IGs can only recommend, not order a resolution. Only Commanders can order; the role of the IG is to advise the Commander.
  • Remember IGs can only resolve a case on the basis of fact. Your claim that a supervisor has violated the rules doesn’t make it fact. A claim must be supported with evidence.
  • Don’t expect instant action on your request… Be patient. Investigations take time, and IGs tend to have heavy workloads.
  • Be prepared to take “no” for the answer. In any case, “Yes” or “no,” the IG will explain why
  1. What exactly do you want/need the IG to do for you?
  2. Have you given your chain of command an opportunity to address the problem? (Be prepared to identify leaders to whom you spoke with and their response to your request for assistance.)
  3. Do you have any supporting documentation?
  4. Have you requested assistance from any other source or agency?
  5. What is your status? (M-day, AGR, Mil Tech, Civilian, Family Member, etc)

If you do have an IG appropriate issue, use one of the following methods to Contact the IG office. If you have the ability to complete a DA Form 1559 (Army) or AF 102 (Air) , please do so, and submit during your contact with our office.

Contact Us
Fax: (517) 481-7330

Mailing Address
3411 N. Martin Luther King Blvd.
Lansing, MI – 48906

Walk-In Location
We are located in JFHQ Building 20, Room 142. When entering the front door (by the Minuteman statue), follow the left hallway through the maintenance bay door. We are located on the other side of the maintenance bay. There are signs to point you in the right direction along the way.

State Inspector General:
LTC Mandy Ropelewski 
Phone: (517) 481-8217

Air National Guard

110th Wing IG:
Richard “Rider” Dortch, Lt Col, MI ANG
Inspector General
COMM: 269-969-3233
Cell: 804-299-1452

127th Wing IG:
Lt. Col. Corey Enderby
Office: (586) 239-4083 
Cell:  (586) 713-7667




Army National Guard

Deputy State IG:

MSG Christopher Heim
Phone: (517) 481-8215

If you are forwarded to voice mail, please leave a message and we will get back to you shortly.