Retirement Services - Army


MI Army National Guard Retirees: Please take a minute to update your contact info with us by taking this brief survey:

Ready to apply for your retired pay? The following items MUST be included in a Retired Pay Application:
(Please note: This is only applicable to Michigan Army National Guard retirees! If you served elsewhere, please contact 1-800-MICH-VET)
Required Documents:

1.Retired Pay Application – DD Form 2656 and DD Form 108 – (Retirement Services will aid you in the completion of this form).
2.Notice of Eligibility (NOE) – 20-year letter or 15-year letter if issued.
3.Separation Orders transferring service member to the Retired Reserve.
4.National Guard Report of Separation and Record of Service – NGB 22.
5.Retirement Point Statement – NGB 23B or equivalent.
6.Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan election – DD Form 1883, 2656-5, or 2656-6. This must be submitted within 90 days of receipt of NOE. If not, Default election
will be made for you based on dependent information on record at the time.
7.Promotion/Reduction/Lateral Appointment Orders.

Supplemental Documents (if applicable):
1.Dependent Documents – Marriage License(s), Divorce Decree(s), Birth/Death Certificates & Social Security Numbers (including adult children).
2.Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) / Eligible Domestic Relations Order (QDRO), regardless of age.
3.VA Disability Memo from within the last 12 months.
4.Severance Pay DD 214 with dollar amount.
5.Banking information for Direct Deposit – you will need the name of the institution, their mailing address, routing number and account number.
6.Beneficiary information – you will need to provide name, SSNs, address, and date of birth for anyone you wish to include as a beneficiary for Final Pay or as part of a Survivor Benefit Plan.

The Michigan National Guard Retirement Services Office can assist currently serving members as well as our retirees! Contact us for any of your Retirement Needs! 

Retirement Services Officer: 517-481-8303

Best method: or

Michigan National Guard State Military Retirement
Eligibility: Served at least 19 years, 6 months, and 1 day in MI National Guard (Air or Army), at least 55 years old, and separated.

To file for MI National Guard State Military Retirement, fill out the application and submit it to:
Michigan Office of Retirement Services website:


Prior Air National Guard members can request their records by calling: Air Reserve Personnel Center (ARPC) at 1-800-525-0102.

Prior Army National Guard members can request their records by filling out a Michigan Records Request and faxing it to 517-481-7361. You can also mail or email your records request to the address below. If you have any questions about requesting records, you can contact the Michigan Army National Guard at 517-481-8331.

* If you separated after 2003, you most likely have an iPERMS account and should access your records  here. Due to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995, Soldiers are required to pull their own records if able.

A DS Logon is required to login if you do not have a CAC or PIV. You can create a DS Login here if you do not have one and click the “Need Support?” button for instructions.

  ATTN: Archive Records
 3411 N. Martin Luther King Blvd.
  Lansing, MI 48906

Medical Records:
If you are requesting Medical Records from your Michigan Army National Guard time, please fill out a DD 2870 and send in with a photo copy of your valid ID to SFC Herman, Chelsea at or mail to:

 Michigan Medical Detachment
 ATTN: Medical Records Request
 4400 E. 8 Mile Rd.
 Detroit, MI 48234

Requesting your NGB 22 when it is not in your iPERMS record yet:

Typically, you’d be able to access your NGB 22 via your iPERMS record, however, the section that handles NGB 22s is extremely behind. The process to move your NGB 22 to the top of the list for production is:

-Complete an SF 180 (attached for your use): In addition to completing all the other info on the form, you’ll check the box in section II for “DD Form 214 or equivalent”. Don’t forget to check the appropriate box in block 2 of section II as well.
-Then you’ll send your completed SF 180 to the following email inbox:


Enlisted Branch will email or call you once your NGB 22 is complete. They’ll also place a copy of it in your iPERMS record.

Other Resources:
Federal Benefits
Soldier for Life

Military Awards & Decorations Request